Back to the Beginning
Well most of you have probably heard, and if you haven't you're now going to hear it, but I'm home.
Due to the insane spread of the Coronavirus, all foreign missionaries are getting sent home. I had the awesome chance to be part of a huge evacuation of missionaries from the Philippines. Unfortunately, because of the evacuation, all missionaries with less than 6 months left had to be released. I was just released yesterday, so I'm sending this email as Bro. Bills, no longer as Elder. It was sad to be taken out so early, but as my Dad keeps saying, the Lord has different plans for me.
Due to the insane spread of the Coronavirus, all foreign missionaries are getting sent home. I had the awesome chance to be part of a huge evacuation of missionaries from the Philippines. Unfortunately, because of the evacuation, all missionaries with less than 6 months left had to be released. I was just released yesterday, so I'm sending this email as Bro. Bills, no longer as Elder. It was sad to be taken out so early, but as my Dad keeps saying, the Lord has different plans for me.
The past 18 months in the Philippines have been the greatest, but the hardest part of my life. I will never forget the people I had an opportunity to meet while I was there, and the experiences we both had trying to come unto Christ. The Ups and downs, the pain, the joy and everything that came with the mission experience.
I bear with all my heart that Jesus is the Christ, and I know that because of The Book of Mormon. The greatest book ever written. It's changed my life forever, as well as the lives of countless others. I know it was translated by the power of God. Thank you to everyone who helped me on this amazing journey. I will never forget being Elder Bills, and look forward to the day when it will be worn again.
Moroni 10:32
Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
All is Well
Elder Bills
Photos from his unexpected homecoming. Please don't judge us about the airport. It's just how it all played out. Would do things differently now, but as of 22 March, this is what it was:
What I love most about the one in front of the laptop with headphones is that he is talking to someone in the Philippines!
Isaac has been home for about 11 days. Three more days of 14 self-isolation, and then what? More isolation, right? What a weird way to end a mission. It's an interesting time where we as LDSs are ok with missionaries coming home early and with young adults getting married civilly before being sealed in the temple, right?
Isaac has been online quite a bit, but that's to chat with his friends in the Philippines and with other missionaries from his mission. Bekah and I have LOVED that we have social media to help Isaac ease back into "normal/not-normal" life, especially since he was ripped from his mission so abruptly. The first few days were rough for him, but he's acclimatizing to being a released/returned missionary and beginning to plan for the rest of his life.
Two weeks ago was transfers, so he was already packing to be transferred to his next area. On transfer day, Pres Lee asked all the missionaries to pack for a 2-day evacuation. They did and then headed to Naga on buses and then were told they'd be going home. Half of Isaac's stuff is still in the Philippines. We hope we can get some of that back. We'll see. Not so important now, though. He DID pack his journals and his scriptures. He had had a thought that he probably may not be back, so he threw those in.
They spent 4 days in the Manila MTC with all the other American/Canadian missionaries assigned to the Philippines. The Manila MTC holds 250 missionaries; 1500-1600 missionaries were going home. He said they slept outside, on the floors, anywhere they could find a place. They spent four days talking amongst themselves about the great change that had just taken place. It was a nice reunion for some of them as well.
We picked Isaac up on Sunday evening, 22 March 2020. He was shellshocked and lots of tears were shed. We had hung the Filipino flag in his room. He cried when he saw it. So much change in short time. No time to register that his mission was about to end.
We heard from President Lake, our stake president, on Monday the 23rd that Isaac WOULD indeed be released. He called on Tuesday and released Isaac over the phone. We were all a part of that, too. It was nice to hear Isaac share his experiences and share his testimony.
We have loved feeling his spirit these past 11 days. He is mature and refined. He is so polite and grateful. He has been a great help. His younger siblings LOVE having him home.
He helped bless sacrament with us during our Sunday family worship time. His grandparents and his uncle Rob and aunt Katie have seen him (we won't try to justify those visits either. They happened. End of story). Rob served in Naga, too, so Isaac loved talking to him about Naga and the area and the culture, etc. It was therapy for Isaac.
The Weston family did a Zoom on Sunday and asked Isaac to do a sort of informal homecoming "talk" where he shared his experiences and answered questions. It was fun to see all the families from all over the country: New York, California, Colorado, St George, and even the local families who we don't get to see anymore. Dumb COVID19.
We have purchased him a few new clothes. He slimmed down quite a bit since being gone. He has a phone now, too. :) He is looking forward to going to USU in the Fall. He's figuring that out online, too. He will resume working at Bailey's once this self-isolation is over and when Bailey's needs him.
On a personal note, all six kids and Bekah and I were sitting watching Toy Story 4 on Sunday night and I couldn't help but feel so blessed that Isaac was home. I think it IS dumb how COVID19 has changed our lives, but there are a lot of things I really love, too. Life has slowed way down and I think the kids are getting along a little better. There is more flexibility at home. There is more compassion. There is still arguing and tension at times, but overall, COVID19 is bringing everyone together. It brought Isaac home a little earlier than anticipated.
Welcome home, Elder Bills! All IS well!
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