We Made It!

Well, we're not dead, which is good news to say the least. This last week was crazy, and really long. Last Monday after a quick chat to our families and a quick email we immediately hunkered down and prepared for the worst. We had the San Vincente Elders bunking with us in our house, so it got crowded because everything was moved upstairs. We didn't get hit until later that night. We all were preparing to go to sleep when the Typhoon actually hit us. And slowly we started to lose everything. First the power went out, then we lost water, and then all the cell towers went down. And that night none of us got a wink of sleep. The wind was so loud, and our house was shaking so bad, that everyone was on edge. After we started to hear and see roofs flying by, we really got scared. But we made it through the worst part, and our house and all the elders in it are still ok. Our water came back on Wednesday. Then power was able to come back on Thursday. But signal didn't come back until Friday. So for a while we didn't have contact with anybody. We were able to get out later in the afternoon on Wednesday after the Zone Leaders stopped by and gave us the all clear. Most of the members houses are ok, and only some of our investigators houses' are blown over, but we're helping them fix it. We've done some cool service projects lately, chopping trees, and rebuilding walls. But for the most part everyone is safe and ok. 

Well we're still working on fixing up everything, and waiting for some parts of our area to get power again. But we're working on getting back to work, especially because this might be my last week here in Daet. So that's pretty much it for this week. 
Please continue to pray for those who have been greatly affected by the storm. We were not hit super bad, but some other places did. Pray for everyone in Iriga.
All is Well
Elder Bills
Pictures I stole from Elder Shepherd's camera, because mine's stil oofed

Isaac is doing well. He has kind of a cold, but he is positive. They made it through Typhoon Tisoy. He said there was rain, but it didn't flood Daet like they thought it might. He said the wind was awful. He'd never heard wind so loud and destructive. They are just now trying to get out and help people cleanup. I thought it was funny when he said, "So, we haven't gotten any work done because we've just been busy serving people and helping them cleanup." I said, "That IS the work!" I'm not sure he was convinced. We keep telling him to make sure bringing people to Jesus is the focus, not the numbers. He says he's trying to keep that perspective, but it's difficult sometimes. 

He was concerned about his previous area, Iriga. They did not fare as well south of Naga. They are still without power in that area, and Isaac said Iriga floods like crazy even in small rainstorms. 

He was supposed to go buy a new camera yesterday. The last one was destroyed in the typhoon prior to Typhoon Tisoy. Too much water in his backpack, I guess. He says typhoon season is pretty miserable to walk around in. He says he's never seen in it rain like it does in the Philippines. We lived in Arkansas for 10 years and we loved the thunderstorms there, but Isaac said even compared to Arkansas rains, the Philippines rainstorms are crazy! Anyway, a new camera will be great ... he hasn't sent too many photos these past couple of weeks.

He has absolutely loved serving with Elder Shepherd. He could stay in Daet and continue training him for another transfer, but he's pretty sure he'll leave next week. We can't believe he's been there three transfers already. 

He's doing well. Happy. Safe. Christmas Zone Conference is this coming Friday. We hope he gets his Christmas box! :)


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