Happy Fourth of July! Sorry this is kinda late, but you can never be to late when you have freedom. Me and Elder Lougee had a pretty good one despite being in a different country. We tried to bake a cake on a gas stove, which was more successful than we thought it would be. It was a lot of fun nevertheless. 

This week is about to get crazy. I'm currently in Naga for this P-day because Elder Lougee is going to work in one of his old areas, before heading out. Then tomorrow he starts to head back to America. It's been an amazing transfer and he's been an awesome companion. Hopefully my next one is just as great. Tomorrow should be exciting though. 
Speaking of changes, we also got to meet our new mission president on Wednesday. President Kirk is an amazing dude, who wants us to "romance" the scriptures. Both me and Elder Lougee really liked that. He's awesome though and he and his companion (Sister Kirk), have some really big plans for this mission. It's going to be awesome to see all progress that is going to be made. 
This week work wise was a little rough. Mostly just walking and not a whole ton of teaching. Everyone is really "Busy", and it's also the rainy season, so everyone just bunkers down in their house. So it's been a little slow, but hopefully we can pick up next week. Lots of changes though. We'll see how it goes. Till next week!
All is Well 
Elder Bills
Sorry I don't know the order but: 1. 'merica 2. Graduation! 3. RC's 4. A sleepy boi

Not sure all that has happened in these past 6 weeks, but we think Isaac has finally figured out what it means to be one of the Savior's missionaries. :) He is happy, full of the Spirit, humble and ready to love and work. 

Yesterday at our family dinner, Clark's thought was about "compensatory blessings". I think that is kinda what has happened. Isaac's first 9 months have been ROUGH!!! But now, the Lord is compensating for the "hard" that he was dealt with early on. 
Since they don't have a cake pans or an oven, the cake mix we sent to Isaac for his 19th birthday became "pancakes" stacked in a tower and frosted for Independence Day. These two young men certainly love their country! :) Resourceful, right?
He told us a few stories while we were on last night. One about a lady (not sure if she's a member or not) that has voices in her head and so they didn't stick around too long to visit with her. I told him to offer her a blessing. He said, "I've never exorcised evil spirits before." Funny kid. 
While we were on the call last night, Isaac also found out that he will be a District Leader this next transfer. He is somewhat overwhelmed, but will do great.
He likes the new president. He was impressed that President Kirk already knew who he was. (Probably helps that they all wear nametags, too. :) )


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