Mahina yung mga kamay ko

That means my hands are weak in Tagalog, as I found out earlier this week, a lot has happened and is going to happen, so it should be exciting. 

We had two service projects this week, one with the ward and one with just our companionship, so that was interesting. The first was at a school here in Iriga, and we just helped clean up the grounds.  A lot of missionaries and members attended, and it was really fun.
The second was at the Advincula Fam. house. Their pump went dry last week, so we helped them dig a trench and put in a hose. I had some really bad blisters afterwards. I'm not as tough as I used to be. It was a great opportunity to serve though, and help our one of our people. So in the end it was worth it. But also ouch. 
Transfers again! Elder Nalbog and a lot of people from my District are leaving right now. So it's going to get crazy really soon. We'll go to the mission office tomorrow and find out the details. They don't tell us anything before hand, they just tell us were transferring and then you find out on transfer day all the details. It's a surprise every transfer. It's like Christmas, but scarier. So that should be fun to.
Yesterday we actually had a ton of people come to church, the Advinculas came to church, along with some of their relatives. And the brother of our recent convert(Our PBD). Also the coolest thing happened yesterday. Our recent convert Bro. Joshua blessed the sacrament for the first time. It was really cool to see him up their. He's been making amazing progress in the church, and expressed a desire to serve a mission. So were going to work with him on that. 
Overall a good week this week, calm before the storm right? Kase it's about to get crazy. So their be a lot to talk about next week. So as of now,
All is Well

1. Us digging a ditch. 2. My weak hand 3. A Filipino kid that wanted a picture. 4. All the missionaries at the service project.


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